Fireside Chat: Processing the History Empire Forced Us To Forget

Jul 26, 2024

WHO: This online event is for people who want to learn the deep history of the current crises and how grounding ourselves in history might be the path to a better tomorrow.


WHAT: This is the second of a 5 part series called “Navigating a World On Fire” The series will cover the current terrain of the poly-crises we are facing as well as ways we can get through it together. In this second session Aaron will talk about the deep history of our current crises and what the struggles of 30’s, 40’s and 50’s can teach us about rising labor militancy, growing fascism and dealing the trauma of witnessing genocide.


WHY: Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it and those who work to erase history intend to repeat it.

We believe that the central cause of our poly crises is that we have a contradiction between our overemphasis of building wealth as a society and our social, emotional and spiritual underdevelopment. This contradiction gives rise to three crises: belonging, social reproduction and unacknowledged history. The crises of unacknowledged history is based on our preference for myths instead of historical reality. It makes us increasingly susceptible to disinformation and the disenchantment of possibility. Without the knowledge that things used to be much different in past it can be hard to see how they could get much better in the future.



Aaron Goggans

Steward of the Pattern

is a writer, facilitator, organizer and architect of the future. Aaron builds movement infrastructure before people know they need it and helps them achieve things even he never imagined were possible.

Aaron is a co-creator of Black Lives Matter: DC and a handful of other projects that have made liberatory marks on the world. He is currently the co-chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation.



The WildSeed Society is a political, spiritual and economic community that is inviting people to build a 21st century Underground Railroad together. We are building a series of refuges from the current exploitative world to new worlds where we all get to belong and be cared for - by focusing on Spiritual Liberation, Social Transformation and Economic Revolution. We seek to experiment and prototype our way into a new way of life - in community and in right relationship with the land.

The WildSeed Society is stewarded by a collective of movement veterans, spiritual teachers, and organizational development nerds. Many of the instigators of the collective were involved in the Black Lives Matter movement before starting WildSeed. It is inspired by the vision of futurist Octavia Butler of gifted misfits finding community together before transforming the world.

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