WildSeed's Virtual Village

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Become a member of WildSeed’s virtual village and access all our live community offerings! 

WHO: For people who are inspired by WildSeed Society’s vision for collective liberation grounded in Spiritual Liberation, Social Transformation, and Economic Revolution and want to join WildSeed in moving toward that liberating future.

WHAT: Our Virtual Village on Mighty Networks is our invitation for you to join the WildSeed membership program. Together we can explore and experiment with what it takes for us to get free, practice being in caring community, and live into our life purpose - as we resist the rise of the far-right and face a growing number of meta-crises, together.

It houses all our live community offerings in order to give our members the ability to choose if, when, and how deeply you want to engage - and still be in the WildSeed community. 

WildSeed’s programming is organized around our four Sanctuaries. 

As a WildSeed member, you can engage with any and all of our online offerings when you need it and as you want to, including:

1) Community Sanctuary: The integrated praxis space where Spiritual Liberation, Social Transformation, and Economic Revolution all come together for our WildSeed members.

  • Spiritual Talks: If you want to learn how WildSeed’s stewarding team, the Sacred Warren, lives the WildSeed Way as an alternative to mainstream society, join our monthly talks or watch the recording. We share lessons and insights gained from being our own guinea pigs and invite you into deeper conversation around how to bring these experiments into your own life.
  • Office Hours with Chany: If you want some onboarding support to our Virtual Village, Chany Singh can meet with you in a one-on-one session. So you can learn more about our offerings and get help figuring out which ones to engage with. 
  • Caring Circle with Chany: For BIPOC members who want to remember and practice how to care for themselves and each other, you can join Chany Singh’s biweekly space designed to cultivate a felt sense of community as we navigate this time of social isolation and pain.

2) Spiritual Sanctuary: Spiritual Liberation offerings that grounds the WildSeed Ecology in the Sacred.

  • Daily Centering Practice with Sandra: If you want to face your day from a grounded center, Sandra can guide you through a 30 minute energy practice. This will help you get grounded, clear out unhelpful energy, and feel resourced. 

  • Spiritual Mentorship with Sandra: If you wish to develop your spirituality and/or feel a spiritual calling within a politicized context, Sandra Kim can help you design a plan for your spiritual growth in monthly one-on-one sessions and support you staying on track with daily energy practice session, support triads, and monthly gatherings.  

3) Gift and Offerings Sanctuary: Economic Revolution offerings that resource the WildSeed Ecology and create alternative economic structures for our community. 

  • Gifts and Offerings Meet Up with Aaron:  If you want to learn and practice alternative ways of getting your needs met, you can join Aaron in this biweekly virtual space where you support each other through mutual aid, trauma stewardship and financial coaching. This can help you practice engaging in mutual aid, anti-capitalist financial planning, and political education. 

4) Movement Sanctuary: Social Transformation offerings that shifts conditions and protects what we’re building in the WildSeed Ecology.

  • Revolutionary Aftercare (Coming Later!): If you’re an organizer, activist, and/or movement healer and are undergoing a crisis due to your movement work, Reece Chenault can do an intake with you and help you figure out what type of support you need and how to get it. 

WHY: At WildSeed, we see the world burning around us. Our governments and support systems can’t stop it and sometimes are driving the violence we’re facing. Many of us feel stuck between the systems of oppression and exploitation we’ve been living in for generations and a deep longing for a more liberating future where we are free to be our most authentic selves and get our needs met with joy and dignity, through caring community. 

So many of us don’t want to continue doing what we’ve been doing, but we also don’t know how to do things differently either. When we try to imagine a different world, we come up blank. When we try to live differently, we’re confronted with fear of uncertainty and the unknown.

At WildSeed, we get that. For more than a decade, the Sacred Warren, both separately and together, has been healing and experimenting with what it takes to go from status quo and be somatically willing to engage in a fundamentally different way of living. And we’re still in the middle of that journey since we’re works in progress too!

What we’ve learned is that it takes time. It takes fumbling forward and being messy. It takes going through a rollercoaster of healing and life changes. And most importantly, it takes a skillful and supportive community with shared values and concrete practices.

That’s why we, at WildSeed, wanted to create this virtual village for you and with you - so you know you’re not alone in this and you don’t have to figure out everything by yourself.

We can co-support each other into a more liberating future. 

Please join us!

Chany, Sandra, Aaron, and Erika

aka The Sacred Warren 

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